Photo: "J-girl", Julianna, heading to school this morning.
Thought for the Day
Psalms 18:49 Therefore will I give thanks unto thee, O LORD, among the heathen, and sing praises unto thy name.
Before I was a Christian one of the things that most impressed me about the few people I knew who professed to follow Christ was their positive and inspiring attitudes. There is just something attractive about a good spirit. In this psalm, David shows that the source of his blessings was God. He publicly gives thanks so that everyone would see that he served a God who was worthy of praise. I believe if people would see in us more thankfulness and praise rather than complaining and negativism that they would be attracted to our great Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
Give thanks to the Lord today, not just in private, but publicly where all can see His greatness. A simple bowing of the head in prayer over a meal in a restaurant is a great way of demonstarting our love for the Lord and showing forth His praise.