Photo: I am thankful for my family. Cheryl and Annabeth getting ready for the day.
Thought for the Day
Philippians 1:3
I thank my God upon every remembrance of you...
I am well on my way to completing my list of 100 things for which I am thankful. One thing that has become clear to me through this process is that the more specific I become, the more gratitude I feel. For example, initially I wrote that I am thankful for "friends", but it was not until I began to write down the names of specific friends that my heart became full of memories of past events that made me truly grateful. This must be what Paul had in mind when he wrote that he thanked the Lord "upon every remembrance". Specific details seem to arouse a much greater sense of gratitude than generalities.
Begin your own thanksgiving list today if you haven't already and continue to get specific. A good dose of gratitude is needed today in our world about as much as anything else we could have.