(I have not written in several weeks due initially to computer problems and then inattention. Good to be back.)
Thought for the Day
1 Thessalonians 5:18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
Last week I began a series of Sunday morning messages aimed at reviving the spirit of thankfulness in my life and our church. I believe the root cause of most of our problems as individuals and as a nation is due to the loss of gratitude. We see in Romans 1:21 that ingratitude has led to entire cultures turning away from God. When we fail to acknowledge the blessings in our lives and come completely wrapped up in our problems or misfortunes, we are well on the road to many greater pains and anguish.
I have challenged our church to make a list of at least 100 things for which they are thankful. I believe the simple act of "counting our blessings" will result in a great awakening of joy and gladness!
Begin your own thanksgiving list today. Keep it close by and when you are tempted to murmur write a couple of things down that you have to be thankful for. It will amaze you how gratitude will redirect your thoughts and emotions.