Wednesday, July 14, 2010

God Speaks!

Photo: Wednesday morning men's Bible study group. It's always a blessing to me to enjoy coffee and Bible study with some of our senior men.

Thought for the day
Psalms 19:1-3 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows his handiwork. (2) Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night shows knowledge. (3) There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.

Our God is truly the great communicator. Since the creation of the world He has continually sought to reveal Himself to man and to establish a personal relationship with him. Even when He sent His Son to the earth, He is called "the Word" of God, "the Light that lights every man that comes into the world" (John 1). If we are not hearing from God, it is not because He is not speaking; it is more than likely an issue of our hearing.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning wrote "Earth's crammed with heaven, and every common bush afire with God; but only he who sees takes of his shoes." God is found in the ordinary things of life if we are looking for Him. This is why trials come our way- to cause us to see beyond the ordinary- to cause us to catch a glimpse of the Eternal in the mundane. A wise man once said, “Do not seek water, for water is everywhere. Seek thirst, for without thirst, water has no value.”

Stop for a minute and hit the pause button on your day. Open His Word and meditate on His Word. Quiet yourself before God and listen. He is always found by those who seek Him with their whole heart.