Genesis 40:13-23
How many times do we reach out to help others, to show them some kindness and it is re-payed with ingratitude or even dismissed as not that big of a deal? Most of us have experienced this at one time or another. As parents, we experience it regularly with our kids. It seems that they can easily dismiss as ordinary or expected the tremendous sacrifices that we make for them daily. How about when it comes to our jobs; we put in the extra time and go the second mile to benefit our employers and yet these acts of sacrifice are overlooked.
If we are not careful, we can allow these "slights" to create in us an "I don't care attitude" and push us into a lifestyle of mediocrity. We must, as Joseph take these oversights in stride and realize that ultimately we may be forgotten by man, but we are not forsaken by God. Joseph spent several more years in that prison, but in God's perfect timing his consistency and service was noticed and appreciated. He was finally rewarded for his devotion and elevated to a position of great prominence.
In this life, we may not be elevated to a position of prominence because of the sacrifices of service we make, but we are not overlooked by our Lord and we must realize that in Christ, "our labor is not in vain". It is seen; it is appreciated; and it is rewarded by God in His time. Even if that means in eternity. Go the second mile today. Re-dedicate yourself to a standard of quality and excellence that is pleasing to the Lord and serve others not for man's recognition, but for God's.